Tuesday 20 January 2015

Lists & Twists

In our households, the holiday season is a next level kind of chaos that must be approached confidently, with no sudden movements or outward sign of weakness.  We like to think of ourselves as cool and calculated, everything planned and executed with unflappable grace and precision but in reality… we’ve had baby brain since ’04 and the whole situation probably resembles more of an arachnophobe who just walked through a web.  Sooo this – to our dear husbands – is why for the past month our houses have been covered in lists.  Since parenthood we have become dedicated List Girls and during the holiday season, we have lists about lists. In fact Sair’s pretty sure the amount of paper stuck to the front of Jen’s fridge in December might be the reason the seals have gone but anyway, we made it! The champagne has been drunk; the tree is dead and the ham a distant memory (although not as distant as one would like when trying on clothes in the sales).

Now we await the end of school holidays to settle ourselves back into the routine of work and writing, the latter being a labour of love that if neglected for too long tends to make us cranky!  So, between sorting school uniforms and book packs, there has been much talk of Lumeer and its residents. With ideas that have been simmering for a while thickening to nice juicy twists and new relationships developing, we are full steam ahead, revelling in the lives of our characters and even having a little cheeky fun tossing around ideas for our new cover. We’re really excited to be getting book two out this year, it’s currently our favourite plot of the series but no doubt that will change once we start work on book three!

So here we are - 2015, a brand spanking new year that we are ready to tackle, pens poised and windmill arms at the ready. 
We can’t wait to share it with you J